Photoshop Tutorial: Blending

November 25th, 2009 by Meldun

This tutorial by FullAperture focuses on blending 2 objects together, and you learn various tools along the way that you may have not been previously familiar with. Definitely worth taking a look at.

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Introduction to Photopshop CS4

November 23rd, 2009 by Meldun

If your like me and still using Adobe Photoshop CS3. This video by ‘homininid’ shows use a few of the new features and benefits of upgrading to CS4.

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Photoshop Tutorial: Adding snowfall to a photo

November 9th, 2009 by Meldun

Another great photoshop tutorial by Tutcast, which involves adding snowfall to a photo. There a few more steps necessary for this tutorial than some of the previous but it is well worth it.

Photoshop Tutorial: Add and Remove Tattoos

November 3rd, 2009 by Meldun

This video tutorial by tutvideo shows us,  how to add a digital tattoo using multiple blend modes and also how remove tattoos using the healing brush.

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Photoshop Tutorial: iTunes Style Illustration

October 29th, 2009 by Meldun

This Photoshop Tutorial by tutvideo, teaches you how to create a grunge style design based on the popular Ipod designs.

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